2 New Extensions for Quarto

Make Placeholder and Test Document Great


Charles Teague


November 11, 2023

As a part of my work on Quarto, I find myself creating test documents with placeholder content. This is something I while creating a document used in a test, trying to reproduce a bug, or while testing a new feature. I’ve created a couple of Quarto extensions that are designed to make this process a little easier (at least on myself!).


I often head to a lorem ipsum generator and copy and paste some content into test documents. Instead, I can now use the dragonstyle/lipsum extension to generate placeholder content, like:

{{< lipsum >}}

which will generate 5 paragaphs of lipsum text in my document. More details on the extension can be found in the extension repo.


I also often find myself grabbing images from either a search engine or a random page on the web. Rather than do this, I can now use the dragonstyle/unsplash extension to generate placeholder images, like:

{{< unsplash cat.jpeg >}}

This has the additional benefit of suprising me with frequently delightful images. More details on the extension can be found in the extension repo.

The image accompanying this section was placed in just that way!